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Welcome to Awakening Clarity Now

 We guide long-time spiritual seekers to discover True Nature and prioritize often-overlooked clearing practices for authentic living.

Whether you've arrived out of curiosity, a quest for truth, or a resonance with Fred's message, we're dedicated to making your experience seamless, enjoyable, and, above all, transformative.

As a valued member of our community, you'll gain access to an abundance of resources, features, and opportunities. Here's a glimpse of what awaits you:

Fred Davis
Author & Nondual Teacher

Fred studied and practiced Eastern wisdom for 25 years prior to 2006 when seeking ended, and his true awakening commenced. He has No-thing to offer you, which turns out to be a pretty big deal.

Fred is the author of six books, which are all available in paperback, Kindle, and audio editions (click on the books image to find them on Amazon).
Fred has been teaching nonduality since 2010 and has worked with people from all the major traditions: Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims; many Transcendentalists and Zen practitioners, as well as hundreds of people with no allegiance to any religion, sect, or belief system at all.

Well over a thousand people on six continents have found the door to freedom using “The Living Method,” which has roots in both Eastern spirituality and Western philosophy. His presentation, however, is completely original.  

Fred is very happily married, is deeply devoted to this teaching, his beautiful wife, and his extraordinary canine companions, Willy and Jack. He lives quietly as a chiefly ignored, urban hermit in Columbia, South Carolina.  

Fred Davis Books

Your books are among the best. Very clear. Simple but deep. Good job Fred Davis. Or whoever you are. David C. November 2023

The Living Method of spiritual awakening

The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening is a very successful, field-proven process of nondual inquiry, investigation, and direct pointing that encourages immediate recognition and acceptance of our shared true nature, Oneness/Awakeness. Following recognition, “The Living Method” then helps to orient and clear the so-called “seeker-become-finder.”  

Deepening Clarity with The Living Method

"The Living Method" of Spiritual Awakening is for the purpose of awakening clarity now. It is a method, so there are guidelines for being successful with awakening now, and also stabilizing the recognition of true nature that you are about to have the opportunity of experiencing.

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Connect and share insights with like minded awakened beings.

"The Living Method" of Spiritual Awakening has over a 90% success rate for those who have an awakening session, whether it be private or in the small group program of the Skillful Means Series.
In the nondual community there is a myth that once attained, enlightenment is permanent and life will be perfect.
Notice that the myth is about a future, but there is no future.
There is only now.
Awakening, or awakeness itself, is here now, to be recognized.