What is Post Awakening Clearing ?
Awakening Is The Beginning Not The End
Awakening Clarity Now offers the opportunity to support you in stabilizing living as true nature or to encourage awakening through the clearing process, if that is still needed. We would like to bring your attention to post awakening clearing. Clearing can be challenging.
What is post awakening clearing and why is it so important?
Here's an analogy to help you understand this. The prevalent nondual belief is that there is a journey to awakening and an arrival. Picture a mountain and a tough climb. If you are lucky, you will reach the summit. You will have arrived! Now, instead, imagine you are air lifted to the summit with targeted, purposeful, methodic inquiry, and when you get to the summit, you discover, there's no, you, there. It's discovered that there never was this imaginary you. This is a description of "The Living Method" awakening.
Yet, there is a sense of existence and there is a sense that you are there.
However, the sense of something is not necessarily the same as the truth of something. You discover that the you that you had thought yourself to be doesn’t exist and never did. True nature is there, yet unexpectedly, the patterns of the body-mind can still arise. It is the unexpected arising of thinking patterns and identification with the body post awakening, that makes clearing so important. The clearing out of these patterns reveals the ever-present clarity that is. Clearing is a path, and it provides the guidance for clearing out the arising of thinking patterns and misidentification as the body. "The Living Method" offers clearing support. It has programs for guiding you to use effective inquiry, and thereby experience, in a stable way, the underlying clarity that you are.
The clearing path is for abiding as truth - as the peace that is.
Without clearing, automated, default thinking patterns arise, and misidentification as a default body-mind, is likely. The awakening session is the kindergarten, and clearing is going through the grades of school, and there's no graduation. This is so exciting because it means that the mystery of true nature is revealed over and over NOW.
Clearing reveals the truthful default of freedom!
Can there possibly be an end to the revealing of infinity? How does "The Living Method" of Spiritual Awakening provide opportunities for clearing? Participating in the Group Clearing Series (small group clearing) Attending Sunday Satsang Participating in the Living As True Nature program (by invitation only) Participating in Freedom Beyond Recovery Participating in "The Living Method" Book Club: Grokking With Glenda the Language of TLM Online courses Free Q & A Monthly Meeting Assisting Free Practices Menu on ACN.com Fred's YouTube videos Fred's Books
What is the ideal program for abidance that Fred suggests?
The importance of the “whole” cannot be overstated. Many people wake up and few clear without support and guidance. Wake up - Clear - Live As True Nature, is The Way of “The Living Method.”
The ideal program for abidance is: Awakening session or Skillful Means Series first Participate in a GCS - Group Clearing Series (bi-monthly small group clearing) Attend weekly Satsang
For some, service by assisting is a marvelous and free means of immersing oneself in truth and experiencing community Some will be invited to participate in Living As True Nature, after conviction of true nature as the default is established
In closing, remember that repetition is the mother of clarity, and with that in mind, we encourage you to select from the list of suggested clearing opportunities the way that seems best for you to repeat recognizing what's true, instead of defaulting to automatic egoic patterns.
The teaching says awaken first and then shift the default through clearing.
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