The Living Method Book Club: Grokking With Glenda Series 3 – Awaken Now

Grokking with Glenda, the Language of The Living Method

“Bathe in the beauty and wonder of what lies beneath Fred’s great words.”

The Living Method Book Club - is a new and exciting opportunity to study, discuss, and debate the written works of Fred Davis in a fun and light-hearted environment.

This program is a fresh new way to inquire, deliberate, and discover for yourself the magic behind The Living Method.

Books are written in words.

What’s being pointed to is without words and is often missed by readers. Fred’s wonderful assortment of books are packed with amazing pointers to true nature.  

The Living Method Book Club – Grokking With Glenda, the Language of The Living Method is the opportunity to have a home for expressing your current understanding, to refine it, or shed light on it, in order to uncover the deeper, non-intellectual understanding. Are you aware that clarity reveals clarity?

There is magic that happens participating in a group like this! 

The next book off the shelf to be discussed is Awaken Now  - After countless awakening session, post publication of "The Book of Undoing", "Awaken Now" came on the nonduality scene. In this mock awakening session, the power of The Living Method is demonstrated with the expression of greater clarity, skill, and even more tools in Fred's toolbox .

Before each book club session, each of you will read several assigned pages, and at each session, any questions or comments regarding the assigned pages, will be invited and will be open for discussion and debate.

WHAT IS GROKKING? Imagine being able to discover exactly what it is that the words are actually pointing to. Those amazing, “OMG, I never saw that,” moments, await you!  The Living Method Book Club opens the door to a feeling understanding beyond language. It’s a resonance that is called grokking.

We often hear from students who have read, even studied many non-duality books, and they have either passed over great pointings without noticing them, or were left wondering what the author really means. There’s a trying to understand that which cannot be understood.  

The Living Method Book Club provides an opportunity to slowly inquire into true nature. Once this true nature has been recognized, and it’s recognized that there’s no one there and nothing to understand about what cannot be understood, asking the question, “What does the author mean by that?” – opens the door to a feeling understanding beyond intellect. That non-intellectual understanding is called grokking.    

Exploring nondual language is like taking a deep dive below the surface of experiencing and discovering the clarity that is always there. You are that clarity, and clarity reveals itself to clarity through inquiry that doesn’t seek intellectual understanding.    

A message from Fred: I am so pleased that my First Authorized Teacher of “The Living Method,” Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina, is going to lead The Living Method Book Club. She has demonstrated skillfulness in articulating with clarity, that which cannot be talked about (and our favorite thing to try to talk about). Glenda is lovingly referred to as the Wordsmith by the Awakening Clarity Now/Living Method Team.

I hope you take advantage of this opportunity. I’m certain Glenda will sprinkle her grokking glitter in the field of awareness and The Living Method Book Club will be a joy. Seating will be limited and will be on a first come basis. I expect a waiting list to develop, so don’t think about this one too much.  

All love,


Glenda is a truly fantastic teacher and group leader. This group is really helpful and full of support. The fact that it is a small group makes it more powerful I feel. 

I think the most valuable part was listening to Glenda's sharings and comments. I hope to be able to grok this awakening thing like she does one of these days, or maybe even now!

Program Details

  • The Living Method Book Club will consist of the following:

  • 2 sessions per month for 3 months. 
  • Starts September 11th. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays ends November 27th
  • 2PM US Eastern time for one and a half hours 
  • Small group of like-minded participants. 
  • A chance to share or just enjoy the discussion. 
  • Access to recordings after each session.  
  • Satsangs during the Book Club period.
  • Only $150 for the 3-month series.  
  • To reserve your place, register below. 
  • Click on Books to Order books from Amazon.


The entire text is a single, extended dialogue between student and teacher—presented here in the form of a mock Awakening Session. The reader takes the student’s seat and plays the student’s role. And you will be presented with the very same option: the opportunity to awaken—NOW.

Fred Davis Books on Amazon

The Living Method Book Club

The Living Method Book Club is a new and exciting opportunity to study, discuss, and debate the written works of Fred Davis in a fun and light-hearted environment. This program is a fresh new way to inquire, deliberate, and discover for yourself the magic behind The Living Method.

The Living Method Book Club 

Glenda Tavormina

Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina feels an unspeakable gratitude for the recognition of truth and for being declared the first authorized Teacher of “The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening by its originator, Fred Davis. She enrolled in the first Teacher Training Series of “The Living Method” with the intention of consciously living the clarity of true nature as much as possible.

As a child she felt that what she thought and the sadness she felt was not who she truly was, and that was the genesis of a lifetime goal to find, what she called, her true self. The original awakening was an explosive experience in 1988. After 32 years of seeking to get back what had been felt to be lost, Dr. Tavormina was led to Fred Davis. Hallelujah!

Working with Fred Davis and “The Living Method” of Spiritual Awakening has been (and continues to be) a subtle peeling of the onion that has revealed or disclosed the ever-present clarity that is.

Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina and her husband, Dr. Vincent Tavormina, met at Columbia University School of Dental and Oral surgery. They graduated in 1977 with DDS degrees, created Tavormina Dentistry, received Fellowships from The Academy of General Dentistry, and were in private practice for 42 years before retiring and relocating from New Jersey to Delaware. They are the proud parents of Julian and Taryn. Along the way business consultant and caregiver to her Mom were sprinkled in.

Dr. Glenda M. Tavormina is the author of The Water’s Game, an illustrated children’s book that is a beautiful metaphor that can help children begin to realize their true nature.

The Living Method
Book Club

Glenda's Book Club 3 Awaken Now

$150 USD

  • We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, Starting on 11th September until 27th November.

    • 6 Group Book Club Sessions
    • Recordings of Book Club Sessions
    • Sunday Satsang access till end Nov 24
    • Discount on future Book Clubs
Sign Up Now